Sunday, December 22, 2013

BABYBE is a softrobotics emotional prosthetic

Well actually we are made a robot emulating the mothers chest in all of its nuances.  Actually its a softrobotic solution using principles of bionics, latest soft materials and state of the art controlling to generate a breathing like moving like a real chest of a mother, heartbeat and sound with all its fine acoustics. In generally most of soft robotic robots just can walk or more or less like a simple hand, well not really an interesting user-case.
SO still now more ore less just academic gadgets with not a real use yet.

So the BABYBE System is also inspired by the social robot "PARO" which helps older people suffering under dementia or Alzheimer to socialize but also help to improve the lack of employers in the healthcare system in fact of the generation change in western societies.

The abstract similar idea behind BABYBE and PARO is create a robot the is real enough to create a emotional interaction with a human.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Hey we just launch BABYBE !

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Babybe "0" Series finish

after 2 years work finally 10 devices are ready for clinical trials

The Dog of Shenzhen

Funny robot dog I found in Shenzhen china

Hardware Hacking in Haxlr8r

Well Shenzehn is calling 24 hours a day just doing electronics going to truth mastership in electronic arts

Haloween in ShenZhen China

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Integral Team, Camilo Anabalo Raphael Lang invited for MIT Media Lab Bosten to pitch their Start UP

For most german start ups a dream , pitching their project in the United States at the M.I.T !
We did it !!! Me and my Partner Camilo Anabalon have been invited pitch our Project Babybe at the MIT Media Lab for a Board of Specialist and Investors. at 27.5 -29.6
After working so hard have a founding in germany, we take the short cut and start ourself directly in the homeland of the innovators , venture capital and innvestors.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Retina Touch going Pure Date RGB/Synthesizer

The pictures shows the fully layout of the pure data patch which creates out of the retina touch interface a
subtractive synthesizer.